Small animal handling
Many businesses handle small animals, including veterinary practices, kennels, shelters, and groomers to name just a few. Outside of work, neighborhood walks and hiking may lead to contact with unknown animals.
Oregon OSHA
Watch that dog!
This video offers basic protections around dogs and provides advice on interpreting dog behavior.
Featured video
Sharks aren't the real threat for Oregon workers
Need a reason to learn about staying safe around animals? There is another animal threat many of us haven't considered.
Animal Handling Safety & Program Resources
Prevent injuries working with small animals
This handout describes the most common injuries in small animal care, and provides employer strategies for prevention.
Safety program self-assessment: small animal care providers
How does your safety program measure up? Take this self-assessment and find ways to improve small animal handling safety. [Spanish]
Veterinary safety and health (NIOSH)
This page offers a comprehensive overview of injuries in veterinary care with links on how to prevent them.
Animal encounters
Animal encounters
Do you know what to do if encountering an unfamiliar animal? This handout provides valuable tips for protecting yourself. [Spanish]
Dog bite prevention (American Veterinary Medical Association)
Reduce dog bite risk with these tips.
Compassion Fatigue
Compassion fatigue
Exposure to pain and suffering can lead to compassion fatigue - this handout discusses the condition and provides tools to manage it.
Recognizing and managing compassion fatigue (Oregon Veterinary Medical Association)
This page discusses compassion fatigue and offers ideas to help veterinary professionals cope.