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Stress and mental well-being in the workplace

Mental well-being in the workplace is an important part of overall health. These resources can help you create a psychologically healthy workplace, learn how to reduce organizational stressors, and effectively address serious issues such as suicide prevention.

Featured video

Mental health: let's talk about it

This short video shows how simple it is to start the conversation, making it easier for employees to seek help when they need it.

1 minute

Online Trainings

Total Worker Health®: Relaxation break

Take a relaxation break: Feel like you need a break? This short, peaceful video gives you the serenity you need in only about a minute. Just sit back, click, and relax.

7 minutes

Total Worker Health®: Chronic stress

Learn how to support workers’ well-being by managing workplace stressors. 

5 minutes


Psychologically healthy workplaces

Resilience: helping employees cope
Ideas for employers to support resilience in the workplace.

Creating a healthy workplace for mental well-being
Employers can support a psychologically healthy workplace for their employees; this short guide includes suggestions and resources.

Resilience in young workers
Young workers are twice as likely to get hurt on the job. Here's how to help them build resilience.

U.S. Surgeon General Workforce Well-being Framework for Businesses
Use this framework to set goals to improve workplace well-being

Psychological first aid

Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community (US Surgeon General)
Learn about the US epidemic of loneliness and isolation and how social connection can help.

Psychological first aid - look, listen, link (Swedish Red Cross)
Short video describes simple steps to provide psychological first aid to others. (1:30)

Suicide prevention

Suicide prevention: What can you do?
This handout offers tips for preventing suicide in the workplace and includes several resources to guide your efforts.

Workplace Suicide Prevention
This site has the National Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention as well as a pledge an employer can take to protect their workforce. 

Suicide Prevention Resource Center
This organization provides multiple approaches to suicide prevention and links to other crisis resources.

Chronic Stress

Reduce chronic stress
This guide provides employers with ideas for reducing chronic stress in the workplace. 

What is stress and how can we cope?

Poster │ What does chronic stress do to you? 
This poster provides information on the negative impact of chronic stress. (8.5 x 11) (11 x 17)

Poster | Stress busters
This colorful poster has dozens of quick ideas for taking a stress break, whether you're at home or at the office.
(8.5 X 11) (11 X 17)  (Spanish 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17)

Mental health promotion in rural Oregon (Oregon State Extension Service)
This is a direct link to mental health and substance abuse resources in Oregon counties.

Stress at work (NIOSH)
Learn what causes job stress and what you can do about it.

Managing stress (National Institutes of Health)
This interactive tutorial explains the difference between positive and negative stress, and provides tips for managing and preventing stress.

Workplace stress (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety)
How do you know if you, or someone else, is having difficulty coping with stress?

Employee engagement (bNet)
This four-minute video provides a model for talking about employee engagement that can help reduce workplace stress.

Video library

Relaxation break

Feel like you need a break? These short, peaceful videos give you the serenity you need in only about a minute. Just sit back, click, and relax.
5 minutes

Play individual segments

The beach (0:52)
The duck pond (0:58) 
Kayaking (0:57)
Just breathe (0:49)
Jellyfish (1:01)
Hiking (0:58)
The aquarium (1:00)