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3.C for OSC

It’s important to ensure that the appropriate states are listed in both 3.A and 3.C on the declarations page when the policy is issued, at each renewal, and throughout the policy term.

The other states coverage policy available through SAIF’s partnership with Zurich is an “all other states” policy. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that the appropriate states are listed in both 3.A and 3.C on the declarations page when the policy is issued, at each renewal, and throughout the policy term.

Part 3 of the workers' comp policy identifies the states that the workers’ comp benefits apply to (3. A), and the states that are excluded (3.C).

States other than those listed in 3.C can be added to 3.A during the policy period if a policyholder begins operations in those states during that period. However, if during the policy period it is determined that operations began in a state not listed in 3.A prior to the effective date of the policy period, it could create a coverage gap or compliance concern in that state.

Additionally, if the policyholder has coverage with another carrier covering a state not listed in 3.C, we will need to add that state to part 3.C of the policy. Otherwise, this could create duplicate coverage, which is not allowed.

Through the Zurich program we also are unable to write coverage in Oregon. As such Oregon will always be listed in 3.C on the policy along with the four monopolistic states: North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, and Wyoming. Insurance will need to be secured directly with those states.

If you are unsure as to what states you need to have listed in 3.A and 3.C of the policy documents, please reach out to the OSC workgroup.