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Be safe. Be seen.

In our latest video, SAIF employees bust out some funky moves to help you stay alive when stepping out at night.

Be safe. Be seen.

SAIF employees bust out some funky moves to help you stay alive when you get the fever to walk at night.

For more information, visit https://saif.com/pedestriansafety.

2 minutes

Walking is one of the best—and simplest—things you can do for your health. Following a few basic tips can help you stay safe, especially when you get the fever to walk at night:

  • Walk facing traffic.
  • Use sidewalks and crosswalks when available.
  • Look left, right, and left again before crossing a street. Make eye contact with drivers.
  • Stay alert. Avoid talking or texting on your phone.
  • Carry a flashlight and wear high-visibility (preferably retroreflective) clothing and gear.

If you're driving, be alert for pedestrians. On average, it takes 300 feet—the length of a football field—to stop when traveling 65 mph. Download this bookmark to learn more and test your reaction time.
