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Billing improvements are live

They include a new invoice and changes to the “intent to cancel” notice.

Billing and invoicing improvements went live on December 18, 2022! We heard from many agents and policyholders about how to make the system better, and we're thrilled to deliver these improvements.

In addition to a new invoice, we will no longer issue an “intent to cancel” notice in the middle of a policy term due to missing payroll reports. During a policy term, SAIF will present a premium projection charge on the invoice if payroll reports are overdue. 

Policies with unpaid invoices will start a delinquency path, as they do today, with issuance of notice of cancellation.

Example of a delinquency timeline for an unpaid invoice:

  • January 1: SAIF issues an invoice with an amount due on January 25.
  • January 26: The customer did not pay the invoice, so SAIF starts a delinquency path.
  • February 3: The invoice remains unpaid, so SAIF issues an intent to cancel letter.
  • February 14: SAIF sends a reminder notice.
  • February 28: The policy is cancelled.

Two new saif.com pages for you and employers can be found at saif.com/invoice and saif.com/payrollreport to help give you additional guidance or descriptions.

Please contact your underwriter, the service center, or your agency marketing rep if you have questions.
