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Oregon’s assigned risk carriers shrinking from four to three

Riverport Insurance Services is withdrawing as a servicing carrier.

Oregon's assigned risk carriers shrinking from four to three

The number of carriers serving the residual market in Oregon will soon drop from four to three as Riverport Insurance Services, a W. R. Berkley Corporation member company, withdraws as a servicing carrier.

NCCI is not sending Riverport new assignments, and in the next few months Riverport will begin nonrenewing their residual market business as the policies expire. SAIF, Liberty, and Travelers will each increase quotas to absorb the 10 percent Riverport was servicing.

Riverport started nonrenewing accounts April 10, 2017. Because they must give 45- to 60-day notices to accounts nonrenewing. Riverport will be refunding the deposit with the nonrenewal letter, so accounts will be able to use the deposit towards their new ARP coverage.

Accounts effected by this nonrenewal must try to obtain voluntary coverage; one rejection in the voluntary market will be required to obtain future coverage in assigned risk. SAIF encourages you to submit an application to either our small business service center in Portland or to your regional underwriter for possible placement in the voluntary market.

If you have any questions about future voluntary coverage, please contact your SAIF agency specialist, Pat Morrill or Laurie Phelps. If you have an assigned risk question, please contact our assigned risk technical advisor, Derik Scroggin.
