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Changing how we manage claims

Work is beginning on moving to a “cradle-to-grave” structure that retains our customer focus.

Changing how we manage claims

Within the SAIF claims division, we are always challenging ourselves to be a leader in the industry and to ensure we are focused on achieving best outcomes in claim management. Being committed to this work means we must be able to welcome change in a changing environment. As we have analyzed the needs, experiences, and feedback of our customers, we have looked to align our business model accordingly.

Our customer-centric model continues to drive our decision to align our claims staff with our policyholders based on geographic location. Additionally, we recognize the need to specialize based on the complexity of claims rather than the specialties of compensability and disabling. This means that, looking to the future, our work will include evaluating how we move to a “cradle-to-grave” claim management structure. The benefits of this structure include alignment of a claim’s needs with the right level of expertise.

Ultimately, our goal is to minimize handoffs, better leverage internal skills and services, and ensure best outcomes for Oregon workers and businesses.

We have a lot of work to do before we start to implement this new “cradle-to-grave” structure. Our goal is to begin small, controlled pilots of this work by year-end; we will provide more details once we have the specifics lined out. We will look to collaborate with you as we move ahead.
