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SAIF employees are in the zone (the construction zone, that is)

Major renovation to our Salem campus means minor adjustments to how we plan and manage campus tours.

In October 2015, SAIF received Board of Director approval to move forward with the renovation of our Salem campus. During the construction, which starts in 2016, some employees will work temporarily in a leased facility in north Salem.

We're excited to report that preparations are well underway, which means employees are beginning to pack and plan for all that will come with the relocation and renovation. We're also thinking about how we'll handle Salem campus tours during this time.

Here's what we know, and what you should be aware of, before scheduling a Salem campus tour:

  • Tours will continue to take place on our Salem campus. (This will remain our corporate headquarters, even after the orange fencing goes up.)
  • Tours will take more time to coordinate. (Finding conference space and arranging for employees to join us from the temporary office in north Salem will take more effort.)
  • The first quarter of 2016 may present even more barriers to scheduling as we work through the actual logistics of the relocation and complete some minor construction on the Salem campus to support the employees and functions that will remain on site.

We continue to value the opportunity to meet with you and our mutual customers, and we welcome tours of our facilities. Your partnership and patience through this period of renovation are appreciated. Keep your eyes on saif.com, Comp News, and Comp Quotes for updates on the renovation.
