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ER mod eligibility change

It’s the first change since 1991.

Experience rating modification premium eligibility will be changing for all policies with rating effective rates of July 1, 2018, and later. This is the first change to eligibility amounts since at least 1991.

Annually, NCCI will use an indexing method based on Oregon's year-to-year change in average weekly wage, as estimated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor, for determining premium eligibility amounts. The amounts will either remain the same or increase for a given year. NCCI will not decrease the amounts from one year to the next.

This means we could see increases in premium eligibility amounts each year. Oregon will receive notice as part of NCCI's annual rate filing. Any changes would become effective July 1 of that year. SAIF's annual rate summary memo will begin including these amounts for your reference.

Here are the new and current premium eligibility amounts:

Rating effective date         Most recent 24 months of base-period subject    Base-period average annual subject
                                            premium* equal to or greater than                      premium* equal to or greater than
July 1, 2018 and after           $5,500                                                                   $2,750
June 30, 2018 and before      $5,000                                                                   $2,500

* Subject premium is manual premium plus waiver and EL-increased limit premium.

NCCI has begun releasing the July 1, 2018, experience rating modifications using the new eligibility thresholds.

Please contact your underwriter or the SAIF service center (888.598.5880) if you have questions.