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New electronic ERM-14 filing

NCCI’s Experience Rating Ownership Submission feature expedites reporting.

In January, NCCI released an Experience Rating Ownership Submission tool to electronically complete and submit ERM-14 forms. The online nature of NCCI's tool improves and expedites the required reporting of ownership changes.

A primary feature is DocuSign, which allows a policyholder to electronically review, sign, and submit the ERM-14 to NCCI. An additional feature lets us share an ID number so you can access the form to confirm, modify, or add information before we submit it to NCCI.

SAIF is happy to complete and submit ERM-14 forms to NCCI, even though you can do it yourself. Should you choose to do it yourself, please remember to notify us of the changes, too, so we can confirm coverage continuation and determine owner subjectivity.

Please contact your underwriter or the SAIF service center (888.598.5880) if you have questions.
