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New law amends paid time off to receive medical services

The bill became effective January 1, 2024.

Oregon Senate Bill 418 removes the minimum four-hour period that a worker with an accepted disabling claim must be absent from work for compensable medical services before they may receive temporary disability benefits for the absence. The bill became effective January 1, 2024.

When SAIF is notified that a worker with an accepted disabling claim is required to leave work to receive medical services, SAIF will determine if temporary disability benefits are due for missed time from work. Temporary disability benefits are not payable if wages are paid by the employer for the period of absence.

SAIF has created a letter and a form to inform the worker and employer that the worker may still be eligible for temporary disability benefits if they miss time to receive medical services, and to gather information about the missed time. This letter and form will be sent after a disabling claim has been accepted and the worker has a regular work release and/or returns to modified work at full hours and wages. 

Contact Matt Corpe, senior claims director, with questions.

Read Senate Bill 418.