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Submissions in saifQuote with 2024 proposed effective dates

Rates will be available in early November. Until then we cannot release quotes for proposed effective dates January 1, 2024, or later.

SAIF's January 1, 2024, rates will be available in early November. Until that time, we cannot release quotes for proposed effective dates January 1, 2024, or later.

SaifQuote allows you to enter applications for your clients. Broker clearance runs after you complete "Step 6-Rating," at which point you should see a submission number assigned if there weren't any blocks in the system. If you pass step six successfully, you are considered the broker of record for that submission. If you don't pass it, saifQuote shows you an error message providing further direction. 

If you get through the final step, you'll get a message that your submission cannot be processed and to call the service center. You are welcome to call, but the rates are not yet loaded, and the system won't be able to issue a quote. Instead, we ask that you complete as much as you can in saifQuote and save the application when you reach the final step.

As soon as our rate filing has been approved by DCBS, we will communicate to all of our agents. We will then go in and submit any complete applications that are being held at the final step. If you do not want the submissions to be submitted by SAIF when rates are loaded, please do not go as far as the final step.