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The eclipse hazard you probably haven't thought about [Video]

Before you look up, look around.

Total eclipse: The safety hazard you haven’t considered

While you’re looking up, be sure to look around—or else this might happen.

For more safe viewing tips, go to https://saif.com/eclipse.

1 minute

Distractions cause accidents and injuries every day in Oregon, and few distractions will be as epic as the total solar eclipse on August 21. That’s why SAIF’s new video cautions workers and employers to be aware of their surroundings before looking to the sky.

“Just remember, before you look up, look around,” said Chuck Easterly, director of the Safe and Healthy Workplace Center at SAIF.

In addition to being aware of your surroundings during the eclipse, pay attention to safety messages coming from state and local officials leading up to the event. More information can be found at the Oregon Office of Emergency Management’s webpage dedicated to eclipse safety.

Employers can help limit distractions and injuries during the eclipse by:

  • Talking to workers about what to expect during the event
  • Planning to stop work entirely during the few minutes of the eclipse
  • Letting workers telecommute
  • Reminding drivers not to view the eclipse while driving
  • Carefully planning any on-the-job festivities to minimize unintended risks
  • Providing glasses specifically designed for eclipse watching
  • Making sure there’s a plan for any customers or visitors
  • Remembering that commuting to and from work may take longer than usual given the anticipated traffic

“We are dedicated to making Oregon workplaces safer and healthier,” said Easterly. “That’s just as true on August 21 as any other day of the year.”
