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Changes to your policy

We’ve made it easy to submit a request for changes to your policy. Here’s how.

Change to business address

The simplest way to change the business address on your policy is through the Policy Changes application.

  1. Log in here or by clicking the login button at the top right of this page.
  2. Find the Policy Changes application in the left-hand menu. Expand the dropdown menu and click "Addresses."
  3. You'll see business address(es) listed. Select an existing address you would like to change or add a new address.
  4. You will be asked for some more information, including the date the address change goes into effect and your name and contact information.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email with the information you submitted.

If you can't go through the Policy Changes application to submit your address change and would like to send a request to your insurance representative or agent, please call 800.285.8525 or email saifinfo@saif.com and have the following information handy:

  • Requester information, including your name, title, and email or phone number
  • The date the change will go into effect
  • The type of address you are changing (i.e. mailing or business location)
  • Your new address (you can streamline the process further by providing the original address along with the new one)

We will be in touch to verify or confirm your request.

Change to business name or ownership

If your business is undergoing a change to its name or ownership, please contact us at 800.285.8525.


Learn how to get coverage, how rates are calculated, steps you can take to try to reduce your premium, and more in our learn about coverage section.

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