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Don’t fall for holiday hazards.

Follow these tips for staying healthy and safe this holiday season.

Don't fall for holiday hazards. Step up your ladder game.

Whether you're hanging lights, topping the tree, or adorning a 10-foot-tall snow person, use the right ladder for the job.

Learn more about ladder safety at saif.com/falls.

1 minute

It's easy to go overboard during the holidays—whether it's over-scheduling, over-indulging, or over-the-top decorating.

Stress, calories, and safety hazards tend to pile up this time of year.

Here are some seasonal tips for staying healthy and safe at work and at home:

Deck the halls and prevent falls. Use a ladder—not a chair, bucket, or box—to hang lights, top the tree, or adorn that 10-foot-tall snow person. Secure the ladder's feet on a firm, level surface. Never step on the top step or cap of a self-supporting ladder. If you're working on the roof, make sure the ladder extends 3 feet above your access point. And work with a buddy—elf or otherwise.

Find more ladder safety tips at saif.com/falls.

Let it snow and let stress go.

Be merry and eat healthy. Offer nutritious options such as veggie dips and fruit platters at office potlucks and holiday parties. Eat a light, protein-packed snack beforehand, so you don't arrive starving. Use small plates, so you're not tempted to overindulge.

For more ways to eat well at work, visit saif.com/nutrition.

Let it snow and let stress go. Increased workloads, financial worries, and other distractions can raise your risk of getting hurt or sick. A brisk walk in the fresh air, a stretching break at your desk, or a few calming breaths can help clear your mind and boost your body's defenses.

Take a 60-second relaxation break at saif.com/relax.

Ready to spot more holiday hazards? Watch these 360-degree videos and see how many you can identify at work and at home.
