Pedestrian deaths are on the rise. Here’s one reason why.
Whether you’re on foot or behind the wheel, cell phones pose a dangerous distraction. Learn the rules of the road for safe walking.
You miss a lot of life
We hear a lot about the dangers of distracted driving. But what about the dangers of walking while texting or talking on your phone?
Pedestrian fatalities have risen 46 percent over the past 10 years, with an estimated 6,000 people struck and killed in 2017—the highest since 1990, according to the National Safety Council (NSC).
Experts point to several possible explanations for the increase, from more people walking for exercise to more SUVs on the road to legalized marijuana.
Increasingly, cell phone use is also cited as a factor in walking injuries, both on the road and at home. Here are some tips from the NSC for staying safe:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Never text or talk on the phone while walking, and not just on the road. (More than half of distracted walking injuries happen at home.) Remove headphones.
- Always walk on the sidewalk, if available. If you must walk on the street, face oncoming traffic.
Look left, right, then left again before crossing the street. Use designated crosswalks.
- Make eye contact with drivers of oncoming vehicles to make sure they see you. Never rely on a car to stop.
- Wear bright and/or reflective clothing.
- Walk in groups whenever possible. You're more likely to be seen, and less likely to be on your phone.
For more information on safe walking, visit the NSC website.
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