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Time to post your OSHA 300A summary

Our brief on-demand course covers the basics of OSHA reporting, including what injuries to record and which forms to use.

OSHA 300 training screen

When an employee is hurt on the job, filling out forms probably isn’t the first thing on your mind.

But keeping a record of what happened and why is important. Good recordkeeping raises awareness of workplace hazards so they can be corrected. It also helps OSHA keep track of national trends.

And in many cases, it's the law.

When to post

Oregon OSHA rules require employers to post the OSHA 300A summary form (of 2021 occupational injuries and illnesses) no later than February 1 and keep it posted through April 30.

What you need to know

Our brief online training covers the basics of how to record a work-related injury or illness. You’ll learn:

  • Who needs to report—and who doesn’t
  • What kinds of injuries to include
  • Which forms to use
  • How long to keep the information
  • How to report to SAIF

You’ll also find links to other helpful resources, including OSHA's 300 and 300A forms, plus the 801 form for filing a claim with SAIF.

As of May 1, 2017, certain employers are required to report injuries through a secure federal OSHA website. Learn about electronic recordkeeping requirements here.

Exemptions from the requirement

Oregon employers must complete the OSHA 300A summary form, even if no work-related injuries or illnesses occurred during the year. However, most employers with 10 or fewer employees, as well as many businesses in certain industry classifications, are exempt from keeping Oregon OSHA injury and illness records. Review Oregon Administrative Rule 437-001-0700 Recordkeeping and Reporting for business exemption details.

Posting guidelines

Employers are only required to post the OSHA 300A summary form, not the entire OSHA 300 log. The OSHA 300 log contains confidential information, such as names, which should not be posted. The summary is a one-page form with the title “OSHA Form 300A.”

The OSHA 300A summary must be displayed in a common area wherever notices to employees are usually posted. A copy of the summary must be made available to employees who move from worksite to worksite, such as construction employees and employees who do not report to any fixed establishment on a regular basis. For remote workers not reporting to the workplace, the summary can be provided via access on a shared drive or via email.  Any remote employees hired during the posting period of February 1 through April 30 should be provided the same electronic access to OSHA 300A summary.  

Complete instructions on how to fill out these forms are available on the Oregon OSHA website.

Still have questions? Watch our 2021 webinar on the forms. We'll have another free webinar Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Register here.

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