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What do you work for?

SAIF’s new ad campaign celebrates the reasons people work

There are many reasons people go to work in Oregon, and it's not just to make ends meet. People work for the positive effects of their work on others, for the relationships they form, and for a sense of contribution to society.I work for "The afternoon rush"I work for "First impressions"I work for "The little guy"I work for "Home sweet home"I work for "Healthier commutes"

SAIF's new ad campaign, called "I work for," celebrates the reasons people work and reminds us of the importance of protecting the workplace for everyone. The ads—which are appearing in print, online, on the radio, and on billboards—show a variety of workers from veterinarians to builders.

Check out the ads by clicking on the images.

The ad campaign was produced by DHX Advertising and photographed by NashCo Photography.
