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Trucking safety

Truck drivers face high risks because they spend a lot of time on the road. These resources can help them stay safe and healthy.

Oregon OSHA

Visit the Oregon OSHA website to learn more about trucking safety, including:

Featured video

Trucking safety: Simple strategies to avoid injury and stay safe

An overview of common hazards in the trucking industry and what you can do to stay safe and healthy.

Additional videos


Trucking safety awareness checklist

Ergonomics best practices for auto and truck repair
This one-page hand-out provides information on how mechanics can work comfortably and safely.

Flatbed tarping best practices
A one-page, easy-to-read fact sheet.

Winter driving best practices
An easy-to-read fact sheet.

Seatbelts are essential safety equipment
Safety talk on the the benefits of using seatbelts when driving. [Spanish]

Healthy Eating Tips Truck Drivers

Ergonomics for truckers (WorkSafeBC)
Video on ergonomics for trucking. (2:44)

The trucking injury reduction emphasis project (TIRES)
Dedicated to the trucking industry, this website has training materials, interactive tools, and more to raise awareness and prevent injuries. 

Older drivers in the workplace (NIOSH)
An overview of the unique challenges of older drivers.

Video library

3 is key: Safe entry and exit

This short video includes best practices for safely entering and exiting large vehicles.
2 minutes

Supporting materials

3 is key handout (Spanish)
3 is key poster (Spanish)

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