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Keeping rates low

So you’d like to help lower your clients’ rates, but don’t have a lot of extra time to devote to it. Here are a few quick tips that could help.

Controlling your costs

For quick tips on controlling—or even reducing—your workers' comp insurance costs, see our one-pagers on:

Improving your mod

If your client has an experience rating modification (or "mod"), preventing injuries and controlling claim costs will help keep their mod down.

Timely filing

Filing a workers' compensation claim quickly is essential. Employers have five days to file a claim from the employer's date of knowledge of the claim. Remind your clients to report workplace injuries as soon as possible—timely filing can control claim costs and help the employee return to work.

Safe workplace

Your clients may be able to reduce their rates by improving their safety performance by creating and implementing loss prevention and cost control programs, such as a safety committee and a return-to-work program.

Nondisabling claim reimbursement

The Nondisabling Claim Reimbursement program could help you reduce or eliminate claim costs that are considered when determining your future experience rating modification factors. Download the nondisabling claims reimbursement form (F-3135)

And don't hesitate to call us at 800.285.8525 with questions.

Premium credit application

This application is for policyholders or agents to complete.
