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SAIF has a long history at the Oregon Governor’s Occupational Safety & Health (GOSH) Conference. For decades we have provided GOSH attendees with countless safety and health resources and presentations, and formed connections with partners across Oregon who all want to help make workplaces safer and healthier.

Building a safety community

This year, we're focusing on what it means to create a safety community. Safety communities involve all types of workers at an organization – even those without formal safety training or experience – to contribute to a strong safety culture.

Learn more about how to build a safety community, and how to understand the motives, strengths, and challenges of its members, in our conference resources below.

Conference resources

More about SAIF

SAIF is Oregon's not-for-profit workers' compensation insurance company. Since 1914, we've been taking care of injured workers, helping people get back to work, and keeping rates low by focusing on workplace safety. Together with our partners, we strive to make Oregon the safest and healthiest place to work.