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Video can be an effective resource for enhancing the safety training you provide to your workers. We encourage you to take advantage of these valuable tools.

Video library

3 is key: Safe entry and exit

This short video includes best practices for safely entering and exiting large vehicles.
2 minutes

Supporting materials

3 is key handout (Spanish)
3 is key poster (Spanish)

5 to stay alive: Assembling an emergency response kit

Gathering the supplies you’ll need in an emergency doesn’t have to be complicated. Start with these five essentials—for work, home, car, and school—then expand on your kits as time allows.
3 minutes

Belt buckle rule

Avoid over reaching with this quick ladder safety tip.
1 minute

For more information, go to: ladder safety

Exercise Bites: 7 minutes to enhance your aerobic fitness, muscle strength

This video will help you stay active throughout the day at your workstation.
9 minutes

How to use an orchard ladder safely

Stay safe on orchard ladders by following the tips in this short video.
5 minutes

Kitchen safety showdown

Chefs compete to see who’s got the chops when it comes to restaurant safety. Learn how to avoid common kitchen injuries, including burns and cuts, muscle strains and falls, and hazardous chemicals and equipment.
14 minutes

Kitchen safety game

Do you have what it takes to defeat the champ? Play our game and find out. [Spanish]

For more info, go to https://www.saif.com/kitchensafety

Play individual segments (English):
Round 1: Burns and cuts (4:55)
Round 2: Strains and falls (3:05)
Round 3: Chemicals and equipment (5:40)

Play individual segments (Spanish):
Ronda 1: Quemaduras y cortaduras (5:15)
Ronda 2: Esguinces y caídas (3:22)
Ronda 3: Químicos y aparatos de cocina (6:31) 

Supporting materials

Restaurant and kitchen safety tips [Spanish]

Posters (11 x 17):
Burns [Spanish]
Chemical exposures [Spanish]
Cuts [Spanish]
Equipment/electrical accidents [Spanish]
Strains and sprains [Spanish]
Slips, trips and falls [Spanish]

Logging Safety

Loggers are tough. But being tough won't get them through the day. Being safe will.
7 minutes

Relaxation break

Feel like you need a break? These short, peaceful videos give you the serenity you need in only about a minute. Just sit back, click, and relax.
5 minutes

Play individual segments

The beach (0:52)
The duck pond (0:58) 
Kayaking (0:57)
Just breathe (0:49)
Jellyfish (1:01)
Hiking (0:58)
The aquarium (1:00)

Strengthen and lengthen

Learn seven simple exercises to improve core strength and muscle tone and reduce your risk of injury. It only takes a few minutes before work or during breaks. (2016)
6 minutes

Supporting materials

Poster | Strengthen and lengthen | Improve core strength and muscle tone with these active exercises. [English] 11x17 | 8.5x11  [Spanish] 11x17 | 8.5x11

Tractor safety elements

A significant percentage of agricultural injuries and fatalities occur on and around tractors. This video covers the nine important safety elements that Oregon OSHA requires every ag employer to review with their tractor drivers at least annually. Safety issues unique to the equipment and work environment are also discussed (2011).
12 minutes

Understanding ATV Stability

ATVs have become useful tools to increase productivity on Oregon farms, but they are powerful and potentially dangerous vehicles. This video demonstrates active riding techniques to improve ATV stability and provides practical safety tips to reduce injuries. (2012).
11 minutes

Supporting materials

ATV Training guide (Spanish)