Building your safety and health programs
12 months of safety
We put together a year’s worth of safety and health focus points for you based on the most frequently violated Oregon OSHA standards during inspections.
Complying with OSHA requirements can seem like a daunting task. On this page, we try to make it easy by outlining the required programs and providing trainings and resources to help you build your own.
Elements of a safety and health program
Review the six elements necessary to create and sustain successful safety programs. Watch the training or review our resources: Elements of a safety and health program and free safety program templates.
Click on a program to view trainings and resources.
This training describes how to control hazardous energy in workplaces, including lockout/tagout, training, and program development.
Watch training [13 minutes]
Learn how to define confined space, how to build an effective program, and how to plan for confined space rescue.
Watch training [21 minutes]
Heat illness programs are required for all workplaces with exposure, whether they are indoor or outdoor. Learn the requirements to prevent heat illness, including the need for employee training.
Watch training [21 minutes]
Bloodborne pathogen exposure can occur in many settings, not just healthcare. This module includes determining exposure at your workplace and recordkeeping requirements.
Watch training [6 minutes]
Learn about the requirements for chemicals in all workplaces under the globally harmonized system (GHS).
Watch training [4 minutes]
Get the basics for creating an emergency action plan, which details the steps your organization will take in any emergency.
Watch training [1 minute]
Learn who needs to have a fire prevention program and where to find the resources to help create one.
Watch training [2 minutes]
All employers should evaluate work tasks to determine PPE needed to perform them more safely. This session discusses how to conduct and document the PPE hazard assessment.
Watch training [3 minutes]
Reviews the important elements of a respiratory program, including fit testing and medical evaluation. Discusses the air quality index (AQI) and the impact of wildfire smoke.
Watch training [10 minutes]
- Sample respiratory program when employees are required to wear respirators
- Medical evaluation form for respiratory protection
- Sample respiratory program for voluntary use
- Protection From Wildfire Smoke Rules Key Requirements
- Wildfires: State of Oregon