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Common hazards in the workplace

Workplace hazards are defined as “any condition, practice, or act that could result in an employee injury or illness.” Browse these resources for tools to help identify, correct, and prevent hazards.

Oregon OSHA

Visit the Oregon OSHA website to learn more about workplace hazard identification and control. Start here:

Online Trainings

Identifying workplace hazards

Finding and fixing hazards takes time and practice. In this interactive, online training, you'll learn what to look for and which problem areas to tackle first.

10 minutes


Hazard recognition and control

Effective hazard recognition and control
This comprehensive guide is designed to help employers conduct workplace inspections, identify hazards, and improve safety.

Department inspection form [Spanish] [English Word document]  [Spanish Word document]
Use this generic checklist to identify common workplace hazards and note actions to be taken to correct them.

What's wrong with this photo? (WorkSafeBC)
