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Agriculture and farm safety

Find information on agricultural safety and regulations, including pesticides, farm vehicles, seasonal workers, and more

Featured video

How to operate a UTV safely on the farm or worksite

With UTVs taking the role of ATVs on farms and job sites, there are new safety considerations needed for proper operation. In this UTV training video, we share basic operating guidelines and tips for safely using a UTV for commercial and ag operations.

Supporting materials:

10 minutes

Online Trainings

Understanding ATV Stability

ATVs have become useful tools to increase productivity on Oregon farms, but they are powerful and potentially dangerous vehicles. This video demonstrates active riding techniques to improve ATV stability and provides practical safety tips to reduce injuries. (2012).

Supporting materials:

11 minutes

Farm shop safety: Improving your odds

What do poker and farming have in common? Find out as we explore seven common problem areas around the typical farm shop, while learning to prevent injuries and improve safety.

Supporting materials:

10 minutes

Tractor safety elements

A significant percentage of agricultural injuries and fatalities occur on and around tractors. This video covers the nine important safety elements that Oregon OSHA requires every ag employer to review with their tractor drivers at least annually. Safety issues unique to the equipment and work environment are also discussed (2011).

Supporting materials:

12 minutes

How to use an orchard ladder safely

Stay safe on orchard ladders by following the tips in this short video.

Supporting materials:

5 minutes


Find more information for agricultural educators.

Irrigation safety (Spanish)
This handout discusses large irrigation system hazards and includes a training activity.

Interactive training
Review online training modules about new employee orientation, chemical safety, driving safely on and off the farm, and conscious decision making.

Compliance checklist (Spanish)

New employee orientation for farms (Spanish)

Hay bale safety  (Spanish)

Heat illness prevention plan template [Spanish]
This word document can be customized for any employer and helps businesses comply with Oregon OSHA’s heat illness rule.

National Ag Safety Database (NASD)
Find resources on a wide variety of agriculture topics.

Farm safety (Iowa State University)
Several resources covering farm topics like pesticides, livestock, and equipment.  

Working with Livestock

Branding safety checklist (Spanish)

10 minute safety talk (Spanish)
Handy checklist for things to consider when safely branding livestock.

Livestock safety: Vaccinations and other shots (Spanish)

10 minute safety talk (Spanish)
This handy checklist includes a list of hazards and best practices to consider when delivering shots to livestock. 

Dairy safety training guide (UC Davis)
Learn how to conduct short training sessions on identifying and controlling hazards, machinery safety, animal safety, and planning for emergencies.

How to handle sheep by Dr. Temple Grandin 
[Video] Duration: 60 minutes
This video series provides information on general sheep handling as well as best practices in specific circumstances like processing centers and market facilities. (Spanish)

Work safely with orchard ladders

Pesticides and chemical hazards

This template will help you develop a written program for chemical hazards in your workplace. (Spanish)

Pesticide safety (Spanish) and 10 minute safety talk  (Spanish)
A checklist for best practices when applying pesticides.

Practical solutions for pesticide safety: handheld equipment (Pacific NW Agricultural Safety and Health Center)

Publications (EPA) (Spanish)
Information on safety and regulations regarding pesticide use.  

Worker Protection Standard (WPS)

Handbook for Agricultural Employers  (Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative)
This resource provides information on the Worker Protection Standard. 

View the AEZ decision matrix.

Pesticide resources and videos (PERC)
View training resources and videos from the Pesticide Educational Resource Collaborative.

Respiratory protection

Farm respiratory hazards (Penn State Extension)
Covers the main respiratory illnesses on farms along with preventive measures.

Safety meetings and assessments

Tailgate safety modules for agriculture (Ohio State University)
Download brief trainings on a wide variety of agricultural topics. (English and Spanish)

Tractors and Utility Vehicles

Off road vehicle safety:Utility terrain vehicles (UTVs) (Spanish)

10 minute safety talk (Spanish
An overview of UTV safety from operation and maintenance to employee training.

Tractor Safety quiz  (Spanish)

Tractor Safety Tractor Safety quiz flash cards  (Spanish)

Agriculture Lift Trucks

Load & Lift: A Guide to Agricultural Lift Truck Safety [Spanish] (OAN)

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