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On demand trainings for agents

These online courses include information on workers' comp, how to navigate saif.com (for example, finding policy information for your agency and policyholders), and how to submit an application to SAIF on saifQuote, with additional training on the workers' comp ACORD form. 

If you have questions about upcoming trainings or need technical help, please contact our training team at training@saif.com

Agent University

  • Introduction to workers' compensation (First term)

    Learn what and who is covered, and why workers' comp is required. Ever wonder how your premium is calculated? This course covers that, too.

    10 minutes
  • Surfing SAIF online (First term)

    Rates? Payroll reporting? CCB? Here are the top 13 items you need to know and where you can find them on online. Complete with a downloadable list with live links. Who knew a "baker's dozen" could be so informative?

    13 minutes
  • Workers’ comp and the ACORD (First term)

    Find out how the ACORD form can help you streamline the application process in saifQuote. Then, take a backstage tour of saifQuote and get some tips from the pros.

    28 minutes
  • Class codes and VTRs (Second Term)

    Here are two ways you may be able to help a policyholder save money: choosing the proper class code and knowing when and how to use verifiable time records. This course teaches you more about both of these topics.

    16 minutes

On Demand

  • 2023-24 AGC/SAIF Group Retro Plan training

    Associated General Contractors (AGC) group retro product training is back! Whether you're a seasoned agent or just starting to learn about the nuances of a retro -- let alone a group retro -- this training is for you. Join us as we unveil the features for the 2023-2024 AGC/SAIF Partnership Incentive Plan. We’ll cover newly updated group eligibility criteria, group retro factors, and the unique features of this product. Information will also be shared about group participation expectations. 

  • Intro to classification

    Practical advice on understanding and using the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) classification system. Watch the entire course or navigate directly to what you want to know by clicking on the video for that topic. 

    Topics range from 4-9 minutes each.

    44 minutes
  • Advanced classification

    The purpose of the classification procedure is to assign the one basic classification that best describes the business of the employer within the state. In some cases, this can be a complicated and nuanced process. This course offers guidance and examples to help clarify how the more complex classifications are determined.

    54 minutes
  • Consistent safety and health approach: Enhancing the customer experience

    Presented at the Workers’ Compensation Seminar in 2024, this course describes the Professional Consulting Series (PCS) and how it knits into the Safety & Health’s Strategic Alignment of Workflow (SAW).

    24 minutes
  • Voice of customer 2.0: Taking customer insights to the next level

    So you’ve gathered Voice of Customer feedback from your customers through surveys and research—what’s next? In this course, you'll learn how SAIF translates customer insights into action to improve the design and delivery of our services. 

    [Note: This course has been adapted for elearning from a live presentation given by the SAIF Customer Experience team at the 2024 Workers' Compensation Seminar.]

    15 minutes
  • Other states coverage

    Do you need coverage in other states?

    If you have workers in other states, are they covered if they get injured on the job? Some may be, but some may not.

    For workers assigned to work out of state for extended periods of time or permanently, your current coverage may not be adequate, depending on the laws of the other states. Call SAIF or your agent to find out what you need.


    What are the benefits of "other states" coverage?

    • You avoid gaps in coverage and uninsured workers
    • Safety services are coordinated for you by SAIF.
    • We customize pricing for you.
    • You get your coverage for all eligible states from one source: us.
    • Billing for all your policies is easy.

    Watch the entire webinar or jump directly to an overview (at 1.5 min.), OSC history (5 min.), coverage requirements (10 min.), state-specific information (14 min.), or claim handling (13 min.).

    44 minutes

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