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Based on feedback from our policyholders and customers, we’re switching to a new, improved platform for our webinars from March 5, 2024. Livestorm is browser-based and easily accessible via mobile phones. It also offers better technical support, stability, and video integration, immediate replays, and more opportunities to engage with the presenter.
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Oregon Community Right to Know and Protection Act
DateTuesday, March 11, 2025Time10-11 a.m.LocationSpeaker(s)Todd Raska, State Fire Marshal's office
DescriptionDo you have reportable quantities of hazardous substances at your place of business? If so, what do you do about it? This class gives you an overview of what is considered a hazardous substance and how the Oregon Community Right To Know Act (CR2K) addresses reporting of these substances. You also learn why the CR2K is important and are provided the reporting requirements for hazardous substances, including upper and lower reporting levels. Attendees leave with information on the different types of user accounts and the accessibility of each of those accounts within the CR2K online reporting system, the CHS Manager (Community Right to Know Hazardous Substance Manager). Lastly, you learn about the differences in reporting requirements between Oregon’s CR2K and the Environmental Protection Agency’s Emergency Planning and Community Right To Know Act.
Safety basics | Implementing safety committees and safety meetings
DateTuesday, March 25, 2025Time10-11 a.m.LocationSpeaker(s)Jim Nusser, Denali Sanders
DescriptionNeed help understanding safety committees and meetings? (All businesses in Oregon are required to have safety meetings or safety committees.) Learn more about Oregon OSHA requirements, benefits to your business, and how to keep workers safe on the job through this free webinar. If your business has a safety committee, consider having your entire committee take part in this.
This training has been approved for one general agent continuing education credit.
Claim basics
DateTuesday, April 8, 2025Time9-11 a.m.LocationSpeaker(s)DescriptionThis is your opportunity to learn everything you need to know about filing a workers' compensation claim. More than just the "when" and "how," this class covers injured worker benefits, claim costs and how they can be influenced, reserving claims, and much more.
This course has been approved for two regular agent continuing education credits.
Beyond claim basics
DateThursday, April 10, 2025Time9-11:30 a.m.LocationSpeaker(s)DescriptionA fascinating class packed with information and presented by adjusters who walk you through some of the more strategic areas of claim management. They cover key factors driving claim costs and what you can do as the employer to help manage those costs. You hear updates on return-to-work and the Employer-at-Injury Program, managing rising medical costs, reserves, combined conditions, permanent impairment, investigations, vocational benefits, settlements, and much more. Don't miss this class!
This course has been approved for two regular agent continuing education credits.
Safety basics | Accident analysis
DateTuesday, April 15, 2025Time10-11 a.m.LocationSpeaker(s)Jim Nusser, Matt Drahn
DescriptionAfter a workplace incident, it’s crucial that you take action, because getting to the root of the problem is a key step in prevention. During this resource-driven webinar, we work through an effective incident analysis to find the causes. Who should attend? You, your supervisors, and any employee who has an interest in the safety of their work environment (that means anyone and everyone!).
This course has been approved for one general agent continuing education credit.
Hot Topics in Premium Audit
DateThursday, May 8, 2025Time10-11 a.m. -
The Heat is On | Protecting Workers from Heat Illness and Wildfire Smoke
DateTuesday, May 20, 2025Time10-11 a.m.LocationSpeaker(s)James Moulsdale, Jeff Pfeifer
DescriptionOregon employers and workers face increased possibilities for heat illness and smoke exposures with rising temperatures and increased wildfire risks. Oregon OSHA implemented new rules to protect workers against these hazards in 2021. We will provide an overview of those rules, discuss health impacts, challenges, and strategies for protecting workers against heat and smoke.
This course has been approved for one regular agent continuing education credit.
Digging Safely | What you don't see can hurt you
DateThursday, May 29, 2025Time10-11:30 a.m.LocationSpeaker(s)Joshua Thomas, Oregon Utility Notification Center
DescriptionIn the outdoors, in the workplace, in your home and in your yard … all around us, there are potential threats and accidents just waiting to happen. Without taking proper precautions, what you don’t see can hurt you. This is certainly true when it comes to underground utilities.
Participants will leave with a better understanding and appreciation for the critical infrastructure beneath our feet in communities across our state and beyond. Thomas promises to share three simple numbers and a link that can help prevent expensive damages, temporary loss of critical utility services, injuries or worse.