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Home: 5 to stay alive

Bad stuff happens. Being prepared helps. Start with these five emergency essentials, then learn more about how to build your kit and make a plan.

5 to stay alive: at home

Bad stuff happens. Being prepared helps. Start with these five emergency essentials, then learn more about how to build your kit and make a plan.

Learn more: https://www.saif.com/prepare.

1 minute

Planning for emergencies can seem overwhelming. While each family’s needs are different, gathering a few basic items is a good place to start. If you have young children or elderly family members, you’ll want to consider their special needs.

Multi-purpose fire extinguisher. Install close to an exit, practice using it, know when and how to escape.

Battery-powered radio and extra batteries. Choose a model that provides emergency alerts and comes with a hand-cranked power option.

Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities. Make sure everyone knows where valves are located and basic safety skills, including how to shut off utilities. NEVER attempt to turn the gas back on yourself.

Water. One gallon per person per day (minimum 3-day supply) for drinking and sanitation.

Non-perishable food. Mininmum 3-day supply, including energy bars, canned meat and beans, peanut butter, dried fruit. Don't forget a can opener.

What to do next:

Build your emergency supplies kit.

Take five minutes to be better prepared.

Print emergency essentials list

Watch videos and find emergency planning tips for work, home, school, and car.
