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Recharge to be in charge

During National Safety Month, learn how a good night’s sleep can be your best defense against workplace injuries.

Practice good sleep habits

Did you know?

  • More than a third of adults report sleeping less than seven hours a night.
  • Short sleep duration is associated with increased obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
  • Being awake for more than 20 hours can have the same impact as a blood-alcohol concentration of .08—the legal limit for intoxication in Oregon.

Practice good sleep habitsHere's what you can do:

  • Practice good sleep habits. Go to bed at the same time each day. Keep your bedroom dark and cool. Avoid using electronics and eating right before bed.
  • At work, provide access to healthy foods and exercise facilities.
  • Offer a safe place for short naps (20 to 30 minutes max).
  • Make sure drivers recognize the signs of fatigue, and know to pull over, switch drivers, or take a short nap when necessary.

Learn more

Find resources for managing fatigue, including 13 signs that you’re too sleepy to drive.

Get more tips during National Safety Month:
